Friday, April 22, 2005

Thought on the upcoming weekend....

In a way I wish that I were on my way to the 24hrs of Temecula or even the Trans Iowa, but given the condition of by body and mind I am glad that I am at home and not riding. This year has been about overtraining or gettin sick or just learning some skills in ways to relax. My body and mind have been in a hole of some sort and I wish I werent this way but I am. Maybe I trained with too much intensity, or just tried to get too much done. Since my last bout with what I called the sickness at that time, I have not stopped and not taken much time to recover. Endurance racing takes a lot of mind over matter and walking that fine line can be a dance with the devil. It appears that I need to take time to see what has caused this. So now I am back to working 5 days a week and maybe at times less, I will take a day a week to just relax and not think about all that needs to get done, watch movies and put my feet up, and I am going to simplify, how I am not sure, but I will. As for the last days I have spent them putting in tile in my bathroom, and not much else, that has taken a lot of time and energy. I am working on getting some articles in magazines and sleeping. The next two days will be spent doing as little as I can except going to work, and reading. I also got a new camera and was so excited that after downloading my pictures to my computer I got up and walked away with it pluged in and it hit floor with authurity so now it is off to Canon to get fixed. An expensive lesson, and no fun, I was soooooo bummed but what can you do these things happen. So I will have to use old pictures until I hear about the camera from Canon. Send good thoughts, I need them. Thats all for now, off to work I go for the first time in a week, I can not say that i am too excited about this, can you blame me?

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