Thursday, March 30, 2006

The Power of the Bike

I will say this before I post, this is a rough draft of what I hope at some time in the future to be more polished and well written, with the help of others as well as the refining of my own thoughts. So here it goes.......

The Power of the Bike

The bike possess many attributes, transportation, simplicity, elegance, balance, beauty, and mostly fun. It calms agitated nerves, slows the pace down to one where interaction and connections on personal levels can be made, lessens congestion, oil dependency, and our insatiable need to pave the planet. All these afore mentioned attributes are honorable, but the greatest thing that bikes do is bring down barriers, allowing people to feel part of the family, the brotherhood, the sisterhood, creating unity and oneness. Those of us fortunate to love bikes immediatly share the same qualities and a bond that goes deeper than most other muted human experiences these days. We know what each other has been through to get to the top of a climb, pounding hearts, burning legs. We know the adrenalin we are all about to get as we push our limits on the descent. We know just how hard it was to clean that technical line. We know that drivers are crazy hell we are driver ourselves at other times. But mainly we get to share intimate moments together and alone. We know what the other is made of. We can be white, black, conservative, liberal, and anywhere in between, and on bikes we get each other, we know the dedication and the time it has taken to get to the point we are at. We have a common ground from which to interact. If only for a few minuetes while flying downhill. This became really clear to me through two different and totally separate events.
The first being my ride last Sunday. Smiley my riding partner who I meet a few weeks ago, but feels like and long lost friend, and I got to the top of a 2,000 foot climb and there where two other riders there. Within two minuetes we were ripping the trails together. They being locals showing us the way. You may think no big deal, except for one of them had most likely been almost burned alive at one point in time. He and we thought nothing of it, and joked around, shared stories like we had been friends for years. Acceptance, I would be willing to bet that cycling has showed him that he rides therefore he is accepted and I bet he has been judged in other parts of his life.
The other being the tragic loss of a cyclist in Utah. I know that it could have been me, I have ridden and do ride roads with small shoulders in a group, he touched wheels went down and was struck by a passing truck, killing him instantly. I felt that the cycling community had lost a brother, and although I did not know him personal I know that he will be missed by all of us. Cycling means that much to me, cycling has taught me so many lessons and I feel a bond and kinship with all the other riders out there who ride because it fuels them and it provides them with a sense of acceptance and belonging. So brothers and sisters, pedal on and change the world one pedal stroke at a time.

There it is. what do you think. make sense. agree, disagree. let me know what you think. thanks

1 comment:

FixieDave said...

Super well put Nat!

The bond of a bicycle....

Peace out.