Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Kent just sent me this....

Hi iBOBs,
I'll be heading out to breakfast w Matt Chester ina few minutes and then heading east and northinto Montana. The race starts on Friday, I shouldbe in the area of the start with at least aday to spare. I've had a great trip so far, withgood riding and getting to meet various reallynice folks along the way.
Day one was from Issaquah to old Blewett Passwith a chunk on the John Wayne Trail fromHyak to south Cle Elum. I took it prettyeasy and camped just past the ridge ofthe pass at about 4000 feet. 110 miles.
Day 2 was a long one, I was on the roadfrom 5:45 AM until 12:15 AM. But it wasall road miles and I covered 203 miles. JohnSpeare was a terrific host and had agreat plate of food laid out for me anda comfy bed to sleep in. And the next morninghe made breakfast. Big thanks to John, his wifeand daughter.
Yesterday I rode from Spokane to Sandpoint.It rained much of the day but it was niceriding. I rode the Centenial Trail fromSpokane to Coeur D'Alene and then northon 95 up to Sandpoint. Matt lives in hisshop and I got to meet various of hisfriends. This was a short riding day,I left Spokane at 8:43 AM and wasin Sanpoint at5:40 PM with 87 miles onthe bike. I had a nice Thai dinner withMatt and his pal Dave Parkins fromAlpine Designs.Anyhow, that's it for now. Big detailedwriteups will follow sometime when allthis is done but I wanted to give youa quick update.
Thanks again everybody for everything,
Kent Petersonon the road to the Great Divide
To see some pics of his ride so far check this out. I hope this link works.

Me I have been down for the count. Sleep, work, sleep, work, repeat. I hate it. I feel dead, useless. That is all for now. I am getting some inspiration from Kent though. He rocks. We should all keep our computers tuned to the race at . More later. Out

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