The Taint Tuff is a birthday ride for myself and my friend Greg. I thought it was a great way to get all my friends together and challenge ourselves with a tuff route in Bellingham. I found that if I just waited and tried to get people to ride they didn't have time in their schedule. I also don't get to ride with everyone or most of my friends at one time and thought organizing a ride to bring them together would make me happy. I made shirts, buttons, and ask people to dress in jean wear and don a mustache. Then we have a pot luck party at the finish and hang in to the evening. The last two years the weather in the week leading up to the ride has been horrible, rainy and cold, making for Taintacular muddy trail conditions. This year we started in rain, but the sun came out later in the day, which was nice considering the jean vest I was wearing. This years route was 43 miles with 7500 ft of climbing I believe, and took its toll on folks, we had 35 starters and 13 finishers....next year I have some ideas for accommodating more skill levels. I'd like to thank Pabst for beer without them this ride would have been lacking fuel. Ill talk more about the ride in my next post hopefully it will be accompanied by a video.