Friday, December 12, 2008

Here are those pics I promised...

I know it has been awhile, and I could list the reasons that I haven't taken the time to post, but what good would that do anyways. I'll just start with this number above. It does look like a gay sitcom of some sort or even worse, but I won't commit those words to text at this moment. I will tell you that this pic and some that follow were taken at Sears last year, and no the two woman taking the photos could not hold back their laughter. We like to celebrate the mustache and in honor of it we dedicate an entire weekend to it. This year makes last year look tame and I am unsure if I will even post those photos, but enough said we have fun. Moustache weekend is an annual affair and if you come in wearing one you get a shot of Jager or Tequila on the house just for having a great stache.... Enough about that. Word to the wise, check you chimney....
This little beauty is from last year as well, I don't like football nor know much about it but after being told to wear something embarrassing this is what I came up with...enough said.
what can I say I might want to say that I am embarrassed by the gut, but then again there are more things to be embarrassed about, if I was going to be embarrassed about anything in this little gem of a photo above, lets just say orange is not my color. I had so much fun at the SSCXWC, what is next year going to look like....
This here is the crown jewel, the Rapha Roller race, what happens in Portland gets plastered all over the Internet, the chief and I sharing a team bonding hope I haven't scared any of you too bad and I hope you are laughing. Part of me wonders why I am posting this,the other part is having too much fun....


Anonymous said...

Uh, yeah, I'm a bit scared and grateful I'm not in Portland, but I started single speedin' two seasons okay, so maybe it ain't so bad, right? Hmmm...

Anonymous said...

Hi Nat,

The one of you in orange, it looks like your leg is mishapen around the knee, no I am not saying it is fat, were you hurt riding?

You know who, I do not know how to sign my name so always do anonymous.

BF kemyooter said...

Dear Lord "Prison Fitness"! Why oh why did you post those pictures. It's rough enough being apart of the more Bro-tastic moments. But having to relive them here!? ugh!

Anon...I think it's the "magical" bubbles that is making it look funky.

Unknown said...

sometimes I'm sorry I even own a camera. This is one of those times...