Things I learned today:
With each step you take your feet pick up more and more debris, soon you have ice and dirt shoes, ensuring a ride spent with one or the other foot clipped in but rarely both.
If you want bladed spokes simple strap your bike to the back of a car drive in near white out conditions on the highway....Its cheaper than the alternative, and oh so impressive...note about this it is very temporary as when the temperature rises they disappear quickly.
Hidden roots make for tough traction and are really slick.
Lake winter boots rock! Best investment this year, so far.
Partly Sunny in Washington can mean anything, snow, sun, ice, we had it all.....hope the rest of the week isn't more of the same. You can never trust the meteorologists. They after all do have the best jobs, they can be right 30% of the time and they are doing an amazing job, that doesn't cut it at my job...imagine if only 30% of the time you got the right beer...ouch.
Changing your clothes outside while it is snowing is not the best idea.
I will leave you with this parting shot, I don't think I have posted it before but if I have I am sorry....think posture, model posture. At a recent or now not so recent festival at work we wondered if I could balance a beer on my head...well the answer is yes, that and walk the length of the bar prize I got to drink the beer, imagine that...Here you of my many talents....

Tomorrow or this evening I get a new bike...I am so happy, not a mountain bike, I get my fixie hipster, work logoed soon...