Friday, August 17, 2007

Tour de fat

New Belgium's Tour De Fat came to town, and I must say fun times were had by all. The next day was a bit on the tuff side, but after a few hours of riding all was good. Here is a little photo essay
The master of ceremonies:
Tour de Fat

what is there to say:

Bikes, bikes bikes. this one had a lean to it:
Leaning Bike

It took some focus and just the right amount of beer to ride this here swivel bike. Once I figured it out, i was having a great time riding in small circles.
Swivel Bike

The sneaker bike. talk about a rough ride.
Sneaker Bike
Josh won the slowest rider, fastest drinker award. Check out that belt. I just had to congratulate him. Cheers Josh!!!!!

the scoreboard, the only thing missing is the kegs consumed...

I just couldn't decide which I wanted Belgian beer or a nice American IPA, so I had both. We sat over across the street and enjoyed the rest of the show.

I had a great time. I like what New Belgium is all about. Keep up the good work.