Tuesday, January 31, 2006
I might need to build an ark!!!!
In a side note, it looks like George Bush said that "we americans are addicted to oil", well not shit, nothing like the biggest crack dealer tellin all his addicts that they are addicted. Ironic, like the pot calling the kettle black. If it werent for the oil companies that really run everything, and helped to create our addiction, acting like they have nothing to do with the problem. Are we finally going to start to change our reltationship with energy and the world? Are we really going to move on to the next level of consiousness. I hope it is not to little to late, because we have some big things to change, and you know if Bush is coming out and saying it that he knows something, that or he wants to increase the level of fear so that we let him take away more rights and more sacred land. Stay strong people, we need to not be so relient on fossil fuels but that takes a collective effort and making consious educated decisions. My little rant.
Saturday, January 28, 2006
so its raining...
Friday, January 27, 2006
undertrained a goal i hope to obtain...
Thursday, January 19, 2006
I heard a comment while at work
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
so I got some tests done
In other news it was sunny yesterday so I put skinny tires on the Vulture and went for a spin, that is the other thing, I need to do more spining, ie higher cadence stuff, not the fixed gear sloggin that I do all the time. Hench the thin tires on the mountain bike, equals lots of spinning. Yes sun in seattle if only for a couple hours. We were on track to break some 50 year record but missed one day, day 28 I think, then it rained sideways the next day, then sun. So not all is bad, but man do I miss the sun, it really has an uplifting, energizing way about it.
Speaking of the Vulture, he is moving from in Bend outside a little bit, his grandfather and father I believe bought a place and there is room for a shop, plus he will have more time to spend building bikes, with someone to watch rio a little more often. Wade thanks for the call the other day, your kind words really helped me through the day. WE would like to get down there to see you in the spring time.
Speaking of Bend, I wonder how Sloane is liking it. I have always really liked Bend, trail access right from town and miles and miles of trail to explore.
So today I am going to see the Imax movie about the tour de france, mind over mountains or something like that,it is here for a short time, and I need to see it. Friday I hope to visit Kent, I have been so busy, but he is another of my favorite people, so calm and full of great insights and really a man that walks the walk. Kent has a little thought on heart rate monitors, i used one for a while with no info about zones, so I gave it up, I plan to use one again every so often to get and idea of how my body feels in each zone. But on the whole I think being aware intuitively is the best way to ride, otherwise it can become overwhelming and then the real reason to ride is lost, it becomes a numbers game, when the real fun is just being out there. Actions speak louder than words, my day must get going. I wish everyone well and as always keep pedaling.
Sunday, January 15, 2006
dead fuckin last....

Saturday, January 14, 2006
My first alleycat race
Thursday, January 12, 2006
I struggle therefore I am..
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Oh what a feeling....
I raced a Harley today
and after some really hard riding I managedtoPASS the guy. I was riding on one of those really, really twistingsectionsof canyon road with no straight sections to speak of and where most of the curves have warning signs that say "15 MPH".
I knew if I was going to pass one of those monsters with thosebig-cubic-inch motors, it would have to be a place like this where handling and rider skill are more important than horsepower alone.
I saw the guy up ahead as I exited one of the turns and knew I could catch him, but it wouldn't be easy. I concentrated on my braking and cornering.three corners later, I was on his fender. Catching him was one thing;
passing him would prove to be another.
Two corners later, I pulled up next to him as we sailed down themountain. I think he was shocked to see me next to him, as I nearly got by him before he could recover.
Next corner, same thing.
I'd manage to pull up next tohim as we started to enter the corners but when we came out he'd get on thethrottle and outpower me. His horsepower was almost too much to overcome,but this only made me more determined than ever.
My only hope was to outbrake him. I held off squeezing the lever untilthelast instant. I kept my nerve while he lost his.
In an instant I was byhim.Corner after corner, I could hear the roar of his engine as he struggled to keep up.
Three more miles to go before the road straightens out and he would pass me for good.But now I was in the lead and he would no longer hold me back. I stretched out my lead and by the time we reached the bottom of the canyon, he was more than a full corner behind.
I could no longer see him in my rear-view mirror.
Once the road did straighten out, it seemed like it took miles before he passed me, but it was probably just a few hundred yards. I was no match for that kind of horsepower, but it was done.
In the tightest section of road,
where bravery and skill count for more than horspower and deep pockets,I had passed him.
though it was not easy, I had won the race to the bottom of the canyon and I had preserved the proud tradition of another of America's best bikes.
I will always remember that moment.
I don't think I've ever pedaled so hard in my life.
And some of the credit must go to Schwinn, as well.
They really make a great bicycle...(blatantly plagiarized from www.cbrforums.com)
Reminds me of Mount Rose in the summer, I have passed many a car before in some of the twistier sections, and man were they suprised to see a bike go by. Sure would be out of the question on a fixie that is unless you could take your feet out and stay safe. Hope you enjoyed it cause I sure did.
Monday, January 09, 2006
as I sit here in an altered state...
Thursday, January 05, 2006
The rat race...
Monday, January 02, 2006
First post in the new year....
Now I have this, well its in my bank account. WE are officially a one car family at this point in time... one small step towards a smaller footprint. Cold hard cash money, and too boot less overhead and a large weight lifted.
The other day between painting and waiting tables I went for a quick ride, I like to ride through some of the local parks for a dirt experience in the city, well luck would have it I came down a straight away and was confronted by a dog. Being a dog lover I didnt think much of him running towards me well you can imagine what happened, he got a hold of my leg. "oh he hates bike" was what the lady told me. that and he doesnt usually leave a mark. Oh I imagine it is not the first time then. Well needless to say I should have gotten some information from her, this is the day after, the day it happened it look worse. enjoy.... and no I dont shave my legs, that would just be too much real estate of my body to shave. Face, head and then legs, man i would be in the shower for just too long. you laugh. Below you will see my 10 month old dog and his christmas toy courtesy of my mom. Can I tell you how much he loves this thing and how loud it squeaks with the lightest touch. Although given that he has destroyed every other toy within minuetes this has lasted and eternity, a week and counting. Thats all for now. Best wishes to all in the new year, keep on keepin on. namiste.